Friday, August 10, 2012

Atheism, Evidence, Belief, & Truth

I've been thinking...

You really can't prove to an atheist that there is a God anymore than you can prove to a blind man that there is a sun.

You can lay out all the evidence for that blind man, but you still can't prove to him that the sun really exists. Not without his own personal belief that it does.

However, even if that blind man refuses to belief and fights it, demanding that the sun does not indeed exist, that blind man, just the same, cannot in fact disprove the existence of the sun.

Therefore, just as you cannot prove the existence of the sun to one born blind, neither can you prove the existence of God to one who is spiritually blind to Him.

And yet, it is silly for one with such blindness to fight the belief that there very well may be something beyond himself. Because how can he KNOW when he has not seen everything there is to see? When he is such a small part of such a big universe?

He can believe that the Creator does not exist, but he cannot prove that He doesn't. Neither can one prove to him that He does. You can give him evidence of His existence in SO many different ways; however, there is no way to actually, physically prove it (without God's own intervention).

And so, you either believe based on the evidence that there is indeed Someone out there greater than you, or you do not belief.

There is no firm proof either way, BUT there is evidence of God just as there is evidence of the sun, even to one who is blind. Even without sight, he can feel the heat of the sun on his skin. That's evidence; not proof.

There is no proof. There is only evidence and belief. However, regardless of belief, there is still only one truth. God either exists or He doesn't. The sun either exists or it doesn't. It is up to you to either discover the truth or run from it.
